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2006-01-02 - 8:36 p.m.

Transitional Day

I have just spent 10 days in an alternate reality. I didn't just go on vacation to see my family for the holiday. I went to Florida with G and then he returned to New York with me for a full week. Being with him is a wonderful experience. I adore his company, although I have trouble sharing him. This was the longest period of time we have spent together and it was just heavenly. We had some annoying conversations and some heavy difficult ones.
Today has been far harder than any other time we have parted ways.
We woke up around 5am so he could easily make his 7am flight. Instead of going back to sleep, I stayed up. I'm not sure if this made the day harder or easier. I certainly am having more of a feeling of withdrawl today then I would like.
I'm going to be seeing him for MLK weekend, which is awfully soon. I have so much else in my life besides him that I can give proper attention to again. Having this next visit so soon should make it easier for me to properly focus. Today has just been about feeling a bit out of sorts after such a wonderful time together.

yesterday tomorrow

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